Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pumpkin Investigations!

We were Pumpkin investigators this past week! It was lots of learning fun! We weighed a pumpkin, used a string to go around the middle of the pumpkin to guess it's circumference, counting the "bumps" on the pumpkin, scooping out some seeds and counting our scoops, seeing how tall the pumpkin is using unifix cubes and seeing if a pumpkin will sink or float. 

The sink and float station was my favourite! I loved watching their faces! They all guessed that it would sink because it was so heavy. Their faces were priceless when they saw it float! Some of them had to do the experiment more than one time, just because they didn't believe it! Then one little guy said "I have a question! Why does it float?" So we had to discuss why they thought it floated. They decided it was because it has air inside it and because it is hollow. Then another little guy said, how come apples float and they don't have a "hole" or air inside! Love it when they think and apply their learning! Higher level thinking at it's best!!  

We are going to carve our pumpkins next week! Then we will have them for our Halloween Party! Yay! 

The Batty "at" family!

I love to make things and do art projects with my kids! I usually try very hard to tie a skill to the art project so it is kind of like covering more than one thing they need to learn or that needs to be reinforced, with one project! 
That is how this little project came about! I saw these adorable little bat craft kits at the craft store and I thought, "Hey! that would be great to teach the "at" word family!" So, I bought them and we did a whole lesson about the "at" word family. We brainstormed all the "at" words we could think of, we read a book called "Pat the Bat" and then we made the little bats and attached our bats to our lists. So cute and they remember the "at" family words! YAY!