Friday, January 29, 2016

We are learning about Penguins!

I love penguins! Always have! Even had a penguin wedding, but I think I said that last time I talked about penguins. Anyway, my class is learning about penguins and we have made some fun projects!
Toilet paper roll penguins with numbers one to 100 written on a sentence strip tucked inside

Penguin paintings! I can't seem to get them to turn right side up!
Oh well!
These two paintings are so wonderful! It was hard to choose only two! Most of my class did wonderful paintings of thier favorite kind of penguin!  

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Holidays are over...

Back to school! Christmas break was a lot of fun! My son and his girfriend came with us to Disneyworld! We also went to Universal Studios to see Harry Potter stuff too! It was fun! 
It was also very hot! Which surprised me! My hubby and I went last Christmas and it was much cooler and even rainier. This time it was super warm! 
We enjoyed ourselves and so did my son, as it was his first flight ANYWHERE! 
(and he's 25!) 

It was a fun vacation and my hubby got to celebrate his birthday in DisneyWorld! 


This little project took place over two days. First we painted the background, and let it dry really well and then we went back the next day and painted our fingers from the top of our fingers to the middle of our fingers. We painted with white acrylic paint. Then we pressed our fingers onto the mini canvas. 
After they dried. which was really fast because we used acrylic paint, we then used black acrylic to paint around our fingerprints. We turned them into the cutest little penguins! 
They are going to be hung in the school's art gallery hallway! 
This one is adorable! It looks like a penguin photo bomb! LOL!

This is the whole class! I love how they are all different!

This was such a fun project! The kids all painted so carefully! I kept calling them "artists" the entire time they were working and I'm sure that helped make the difference! Nobody went "nuts" with the paint!