Friday, November 8, 2013


My kids have suddenly become interested in the Word Wall! Hooray! It's like a new discovery has been made! The only problem is they think every word they need will be there! LOL! It's kind of adorable when they look at you in stunned silence when you tell them the word they are looking for isn't on there! The look is kind of a "oh great what do I do now?" kind of look! 
SO, we talked about the word wall and what kinds of words are on the wall and what to do when the word they need is not on the wall. So far, I am very pleased with their progress and gives me hope that their writing will begin to improve! At least they are suddenly interested in writing. 
I love how they help each other find words! 

Adult writing translation:  My favourite animal is a dog. Do you know why because I am not allergic.
I used to be allergic to strawberries but now I am not allergic. 

My Favourite part of the spooky bus was everything!

I like bears. They are cute. They are black. They have cubs. They are brown too.

I like deer. I like that they have fights. 
I like muskrats because they live in holes. 

I am proud of my little writers! Right now I am focusing on the content of their writing and getting a complete thought down on paper. I am also helping my children to learn the difference between beginning work, acceptable work, proficient work and mastery work. I have exemplars on the wall and they can compare their work to the ones on the wall to see where they think their work falls and then they can see what they need to do to improve their writing.  I also have a little writing conference with each child to discuss their writing and how to improve. 
We also have an author's chair where the children can share their writing with the class group and everyone listens and can offer suggestions and comments. It is so sweet when they give each other positive comments. 


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