Friday, February 14, 2014

100th Day was SUPER!

We celebrated 100th day by dressing up as Super heroes! The kids looked so cute! We had a very full and fun day! 


We have been talking about hand washing and how germs are spread. Partly because it is in our health curriculum and partly because lately we have had a lot of sick kids in our class! So I came up with this cute idea! I showed my kids pictures of what microscopic germs actually look like. I found pictures on the internet and put the pictures up on the Smartboard. We talked about the different shapes of the germs and how they can make you feel. We also talked about the easiest way to get rid of them is to wash your hands with soap and water. Then I had the children draw and paint a germ and give it eyes and a mouth. They turned out so cute! Then I had them write about their germ and how it makes them feel. I think they look great and the kids put in such a great effort! I was proud of them! 

I love how every child interpreted the germ in a unique way! Each germ is different and some are so cute!  

I love the googley eyes on the red germ! LOL!

Writing for a purpose!

I love it when my students write for an authentic purpose! This is a photo of a poster 2 of my little girls created. They made the poster when one of them lost her little stuffed mouse. They asked me if they could work together at centre time in the art centre. When I saw what they had created I was so excited! Then they went and hung it up in the hallway, so others could see it and help to find the lost little stuffed mouse. So adorable!
BTW the mouse did "get found"!

Science ROCKS!

We LOVE science! This week we made LAVA lamps! It was super fun! Just listening to the squeals of delight when the children watched the "lava" rising up, was so wonderful! 

I love my little scientists! We have such fun discovering amazing things!