We have been focusing on BATS this month.
We started by making our own baby bat and by reading the old favourite, Stellaluna by Janell Cannon. After sharing the story, we made our little baby bats from little black socks from the dollar store! They are adorable. The children were so in love with their babies! I had them give their baby a hug and then leave them on the art table so I could hang them up after school. It was really hard for some of them! They kept asking when can we take them home? I said on Halloween, they will want to go home with you!
We also LOVE Vowel Bat! Both the song on Youtube and our classroom puppet bat!
These are the little vowel bats I made so we could sing my own version of a vowel bat song.
My bat song, follows the old favourite song, 5 little ducks!
"Five little bats went out to play over the hills
and far away!
When Mamma bat called,
"A, A,A ,A"
Only little A bat came flying back!"
Then you keep singing the same verse but with different vowels and those little bats come back!
I hand out the little bat sticks to my students and they fly around the room and then back when they are called.
To end the song I have all the little bats fly away again and the mamma bat calls all her little vowel bats back! A, E I, O U!
They LOVE this song! and it helps them to develop their understanding of the short sound of the vowels!