Penguins are one of my favourite birds.
I even had a penguin themed wedding!
So when January arrives, it is only natural that we study penguins!
We also are lucky to have REAL penguins at our zoo! So studying penguins becomes more real because we can really visit them! We went to zoo school and shared our learning with the zoo teachers and they shared all that they know too! It was a great day!
Just look at all our penguin projects!
We are in ZOO school!
One of us was chosen to be a penguin!
Real penguins at our zoo
A real penguin swimming! They are so close to us, you could almost reach out and touch them! (but I think the zoo keepers would not be happy if we did!)
Our Penguin math projects!
These little penguins have adding machine roll paper inside them, we wrote the numbers zero to 100! Then we rolled them up and tucked them safely inside our penguins.
We painted penguins and then measured them with unifix blocks
Our TACKY penguins!

We dressed little paper people to look like us! We dressed the little people for the chilly winter weather. They all turned out so cute! It was hard to choose just 3 for the blog!
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