Ahhh, time...so precious and lovely! In summer, I can actually afford to "waste" some time! This summer I have been a little self indulgent! I have been going to yoga, playing in my art room and playing on Pinterest! AND the best part...I can eat when I want to and go to the bathroom when I need to! Things I rarely get to do during the school year.
I remember someone saying to me when I first started teaching, that is what summers were for...going to the bathroom! Who would have thought going to the washroom would be such a luxury!
Sorry...every once and a while...SQUIRREL! (I can get easily distracted!)
Back to the Making things for my classroom!
SO... Cruising around Pinterest, sparked the idea for these little "Pattern-a-pillars" made with wooden spoons. I already had the spoons in my art room "stash" and when I was at Michael's craft store I found these little foamy ring things on clearance. They came in a bag full of different colours, perfect!
I think she turned out kinda cute! I ended up making 4 of them, so two sets of kids partnered up, can visit this centre activity. I will also create an accountability worksheet to go with the hands on activity of this centre. I think the kids will like it! I know I liked playing with it!
I found these "monsters" at Wal-Mart and I think I squealed, because I remember people looking at me wondering what was my problem? I just smiled and grabbed two of them and quickly left the aisle!
Anyway, on to what I want to do with them...
I was thinking they would make really cute "Math Monsters" and I will put them into a centre tub with flash cards and some math manipulatives. The kids can have the monsters "EAT" the cards they figure out correctly by unzipping the zipper and tucking them inside.
I think they are funny and cute!
I also found these french fry containers and thought of a fun game to make to put in them. So I took some wooden tongue depressor sized craft sticks and put the pre-primer Dolch sight words on them. They will be the "fries"! On the ends of some of the fries, I coloured them red. If you pull out a "red" fry, you have to put back ALL your collected fries and start over.
I called the game, FRY FRENZY!
I actually made one for EACH child in my class, to put in their "literacy kits"...
more about those later!!
I also made WORD WALLETS from plastic folders, that I found at Staples for ten cents!
I cut the folders and taped them with fancy duct tape. Then on the inside I wrote the word, YES on one pocket and NOT YET on the other pocket. Then I put sight word cards inside the wallets. Each child will receive one of these in their literacy kits.
So as you can see...I've been busy!
I will share more about the literacy kits that I am making up for each child in my class!
I am hoping to give the literacy kits to the families at Meet the Teacher night!
My intent is to make sure the families have some things to help their child to become a reader!
Plus, then there are no excuses! LOL!
What a lucky bunch of students to have a dedicated and creative teacher like you! Are you sick of Popsicle sticks yet?! Jodi
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