Monday, October 14, 2013

Mom guess what? I have a job!

In our school/classroom family each child is given a job to do each and everyday! This has taken some getting used to even for me! I used to just pull a child's name from my choosing bucket and that would be the helper for whatever needed doing (calendar, weather, paper passer etc). Not this year!
For the last few years I have been studying Conscious Discipline and I really love the philosophy and ideas behind it. Every year I have been adding to my classroom to reflect the Conscious Discipline way. So this year I added in a number of things. Classroom jobs is one thing I have added. I have had jobs in the past, but never a job for each and every child. Every child in the classroom has a job to do and they do the same job for the entire week. Then they get a new job the following week. I had no idea the impact that this little thing has! One day a little person in my class "missed" doing her daily job because we had to go to a school wide assembly, so her job was "skipped" for that day. Well, for the entire day, that child reminded me that she did not get to do her job. I learned that we can not "skip" anyone's job, it is just far too meaningful for the children! So now I try to make sure everyone gets to do their job, no matter what comes up in our day! Below is a picture of our job board. I move the children's names every Monday, so they start a new job at the beginning of the week. If I forget, the children certainly do not and I get a reminder from my little friends! I made the job board on a foam core board and plastic sticky backed pockets. It is portable and easy! I found the clipart online for free! 
There are 20 jobs and I left 4 blank pockets incase one year I have a larger class (hope not!). Some of the jobs came right from the kids and some are reflective of my practise of Conscious Discipline.


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