I admit it...I LOVE Target! They sometimes have the coolest things for my Grade one kids!
I found these little mini greenhouses, complete with soil and seed packages! (and the best part...they were only a dollar!!)
I bought one for each child in my class. We planted the seeds and they have now sprouted right along with... SPRING!!!
We are growing Basil. We are hoping that the little sprouts will grow enough so we can use them when we make spaghetti and sauce. We are thinking we could pick some of the leaves and put it on our spaghetti and then eat it. The kids are really excited about it. Plus the little greenhouses are super CUTE!
I know some teachers are anti-cute, but not me! I am all about cute! I love it when things look cute, I find it kinda motivating. You can see in the photo...even my watering can is a cute little yellow duck that I found at the dollar store!
Cute little greenhouses!
The "teacher's" extra bucket...just in case!
Look! Little basil sprouts!
These are the best! I hope Target will continue to carry these every year! Yay! Science!
We also "planted" little bean seeds in a paper towel.
First we talked about the needs that plants have and then we had to decide
Will a plant begin to grow with out soil?
That was big thinking for us! Especially with what we had already learned about the needs of plants!
So we "planted" out beans in the paper towels and then put them in a zip plastic bag and hung them in the one window of our classroom. Much to our amazement...they sprouted!
We plan on planting the sprouts in some soil and see what happens next!
So cool!
My little Scientists are excited!
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