Monday, September 30, 2013

Puppet friends help me teach!

I like puppets. They are so fun and make learning much more "magical"! My students really enjoy the puppets in my classroom. My puppet friends help me to teach many different concepts. This week, my class will be meeting Eagle Eye, he's one of my reading strategy puppets. Next to Eagle Eye is Tryin Lion, Lips the Fish and Stretchy the Snake. I have many more, like Flippy the Dolphin to flip the vowel sound from long to short, Skippy the Frog to skip over the hard word and keep reading to figure out what the word may be and then skip back and reread. I have many more! 
Each week I introduce the puppet and what strategy he or she teaches us and then the children make their own paper bag puppet version with the reading strategy on the puppet's tummy. The children LOVE doing this and it really helps to make the reading strategies stick!
 This is Wizard of Words and the King of "ing". I use the Wizard of words to help with the words on the word wall. The King of "ing" helps with teaching about adding "ing" to words.
 My Punctuation Pals are below. They are so funny! When I use them, they speak like the punctuation that is on their shirts. Pete speaks in statements. Ella is super excited...about everything! Quinn always has a question or sometimes more...Do you think this is a good idea? They sit up above the word wall in the classroom and the kids can see them from anywhere in the room. When the children are writing and need to add punctuation, I just use my pointer or my hand and show them which puppet friend is watching their writing and hoping they add the correct symbol to the end of their sentence.


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